Source code for karateclub.node_embedding.neighbourhood.nmfadmm

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import networkx as nx
from karateclub.estimator import Estimator

[docs]class NMFADMM(Estimator): r"""An implementation of `"NMF-ADMM" <>`_ from the ICASSP '14 paper "Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Non-Negative Matrix Factorization with the Beta-Divergence". The procedure learns an embedding of the normalized adjacency matrix with by using the alternating direction method of multipliers to solve a non negative matrix factorization problem. Args: dimensions (int): Number of individual embedding dimensions. Default is 32. iterations (int): Number of ADMM iterations. Default is 100. rho (float): ADMM Tuning parameter. Default is 1.0. seed (int): Random seed value. Default is 42. """ def __init__( self, dimensions: int = 32, iterations: int = 100, rho: float = 1.0, seed: int = 42, ): self.dimensions = dimensions self.iterations = iterations self.rho = rho self.seed = seed def _init_weights(self): """ Initializing model weights. """ self._W = np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1, (self._V.shape[0], self.dimensions)) self._H = np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1, (self.dimensions, self._V.shape[1])) X_i, Y_i = np.nonzero(self._V) scores = self._W[X_i] * self._H[:, Y_i].T + np.random.uniform( 0, 1, (self.dimensions,) ) values = np.sum(scores, axis=-1) self._X = sp.sparse.coo_matrix((values, (X_i, Y_i)), shape=self._V.shape) self._W_plus = np.random.uniform(0, 0.1, (self._V.shape[0], self.dimensions)) self._H_plus = np.random.uniform(0, 0.1, (self.dimensions, self._V.shape[1])) self._alpha_X = sp.sparse.coo_matrix( (np.zeros(values.shape[0]), (X_i, Y_i)), shape=self._V.shape ) self._alpha_W = np.zeros(self._W.shape) self._alpha_H = np.zeros(self._H.shape) def _update_W(self): """ Updating user_1 matrix. """ left = np.linalg.pinv( + np.eye(self.dimensions)) right_1 = + self._W_plus.T right_2 = (1.0 / self.rho) * ( - self._alpha_W.T) self.W = + right_2).T def _update_H(self): """ Updating user_2 matrix. """ left = np.linalg.pinv( + np.eye(self.dimensions)) right_1 = + self._H_plus right_2 = (1.0 / self.rho) * ( - self._alpha_H) self._H = + right_2) def _update_X(self): """ Updating user_1-user_2 matrix. """ iX, iY = np.nonzero(self._V) values = np.sum(self._W[iX] * self._H[:, iY].T, axis=-1) scores = sp.sparse.coo_matrix((values - 1, (iX, iY)), shape=self._V.shape) left = self.rho * scores - self._alpha_X right = (left.power(2) + 4.0 * self.rho * self._V).power(0.5) self._X = (left + right) / (2 * self.rho) def _update_W_plus(self): """ Updating positive primal user_1 factors. """ self._W_plus = np.maximum(self._W + (1 / self.rho) * self._alpha_W, 0) def _update_H_plus(self): """ Updating positive primal user_2 factors. """ self._H_plus = np.maximum(self._H + (1 / self.rho) * self._alpha_H, 0) def _update_alpha_X(self): """ Updating target matrix dual. """ iX, iY = np.nonzero(self._V) values = np.sum(self._W[iX] * self._H[:, iY].T, axis=-1) scores = sp.sparse.coo_matrix((values, (iX, iY)), shape=self._V.shape) self._alpha_X = self._alpha_X + self.rho * (self._X - scores) def _update_alpha_W(self): """ Updating user dual factors. """ self._alpha_W = self._alpha_W + self.rho * (self._W - self._W_plus) def _update_alpha_H(self): """ Updating item dual factors. """ self._alpha_H = self._alpha_H + self.rho * (self._H - self._H_plus) def _create_D_inverse(self, graph): """ Creating a sparse inverse degree matrix. Arg types: * **graph** *(NetworkX graph)* - The graph to be embedded. Return types: * **D_inverse** *(Scipy array)* - Diagonal inverse degree matrix. """ index = np.arange(graph.number_of_nodes()) values = np.array( [1.0 /[node] for node in range(graph.number_of_nodes())] ) shape = (graph.number_of_nodes(), graph.number_of_nodes()) D_inverse = sp.sparse.coo_matrix((values, (index, index)), shape=shape) return D_inverse def _create_base_matrix(self, graph): """ Creating a tuple with the normalized adjacency matrix. Arg types: * **graph** *(NetworkX graph)* - The graph to be embedded. Return types: * **A_hat** *SciPy array* - Normalized adjacency matrix. """ A = nx.adjacency_matrix(graph, nodelist=range(graph.number_of_nodes())) D_inverse = self._create_D_inverse(graph) A_hat = return A_hat
[docs] def fit(self, graph: nx.classes.graph.Graph): """ Fitting an NMF model on the normalized adjacency matrix with ADMM. Arg types: * **graph** *(NetworkX graph)* - The graph to be embedded. """ self._set_seed() graph = self._check_graph(graph) self._V = self._create_base_matrix(graph) self._init_weights() for _ in range(self.iterations): self._update_W() self._update_H() self._update_X() self._update_W_plus() self._update_H_plus() self._update_alpha_X() self._update_alpha_W() self._update_alpha_H()
[docs] def get_embedding(self) -> np.array: r"""Getting the node embedding. Return types: * **embedding** *(Numpy array)* - The embedding of nodes. """ embedding = np.concatenate([self._W_plus, self._H_plus.T], axis=1) return embedding