Source code for karateclub.graph_embedding.netlsd

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from typing import List
import scipy.sparse as sps
from karateclub.estimator import Estimator

[docs]class NetLSD(Estimator): r"""An implementation of `"NetLSD" <>`_ from the KDD '18 paper "NetLSD: Hearing the Shape of a Graph". The procedure calculate the heat kernel trace of the normalized Laplacian matrix over a vector of time scales. If the matrix is large it switches to an approximation of the eigenvalues. Args: scale_min (float): Time scale interval minimum. Default is -2.0. scale_max (float): Time scale interval maximum. Default is 2.0. scale_steps (int): Number of steps in time scale. Default is 250. scale_approximations (int): Number of eigenvalue approximations. Default is 200. seed (int): Random seed value. Default is 42. """ def __init__( self, scale_min: float = -2.0, scale_max: float = 2.0, scale_steps: int = 250, approximations: int = 200, seed: int = 42, ): self.scale_min = scale_min self.scale_max = scale_max self.scale_steps = scale_steps self.approximations = approximations self.seed = seed def _calculate_heat_kernel_trace(self, eigenvalues): """ Calculating the heat kernel trace of the normalized Laplacian. Arg types: * **eigenvalues** *(Numpy array)* - The eigenvalues of the graph. Return types: * **heat_kernel_trace** *(Numpy array)* - The heat kernel trace of the graph. """ timescales = np.logspace(self.scale_min, self.scale_max, self.scale_steps) nodes = eigenvalues.shape[0] heat_kernel_trace = np.zeros(timescales.shape) for idx, t in enumerate(timescales): heat_kernel_trace[idx] = np.sum(np.exp(-t * eigenvalues)) heat_kernel_trace = heat_kernel_trace / nodes return heat_kernel_trace def _updown_linear_approx( self, eigenvalues_lower, eigenvalues_upper, number_of_nodes ): """ Approximating the eigenvalues of the normalized Laplacian. Arg types: * **eigenvalues_lower** *(Numpy array)* - The smallest eigenvalues of the graph. * **eigenvalues_upper** *(Numpy array)* - The largest eigenvalues of the graph. * **number_of_nodes** *(int)* - The number of nodes in the graph. Return types: * **eigenvalues** *(Numpy array)* - The eigenvalues of the graph. """ nal = len(eigenvalues_lower) nau = len(eigenvalues_upper) eigenvalues = np.zeros(number_of_nodes) eigenvalues[:nal] = eigenvalues_lower eigenvalues[-nau:] = eigenvalues_upper eigenvalues[nal - 1 : -nau + 1] = np.linspace( eigenvalues_lower[-1], eigenvalues_upper[0], number_of_nodes - nal - nau + 2 ) return eigenvalues def _calculate_eigenvalues(self, laplacian_matrix): """ Calculating the eigenvalues of the normalized Laplacian. Arg types: * **laplacian_matrix** *(SciPy COO matrix)* - The graph to be decomposed. Return types: * **eigenvalues** *(Numpy array)* - The eigenvalues of the graph. """ number_of_nodes = laplacian_matrix.shape[0] if 2 * self.approximations < number_of_nodes: lower_eigenvalues = sps.linalg.eigsh( laplacian_matrix, self.approximations, which="SM", ncv=5 * self.approximations, return_eigenvectors=False, )[::-1] upper_eigenvalues = sps.linalg.eigsh( laplacian_matrix, self.approximations, which="LM", ncv=5 * self.approximations, return_eigenvectors=False, ) eigenvalues = self._updown_linear_approx( lower_eigenvalues, upper_eigenvalues, number_of_nodes ) else: eigenvalues = sps.linalg.eigsh( laplacian_matrix, number_of_nodes - 2, which="LM", return_eigenvectors=False, ) return eigenvalues def _calculate_netlsd(self, graph): """ Calculating the features of a graph. Arg types: * **graph** *(NetworkX graph)* - A graph to be embedded. Return types: * **hist** *(Numpy array)* - The embedding of a single graph. """ graph.remove_edges_from(nx.selfloop_edges(graph)) laplacian = sps.coo_matrix( nx.normalized_laplacian_matrix( graph, nodelist=range(graph.number_of_nodes()) ), dtype=np.float32, ) eigen_values = self._calculate_eigenvalues(laplacian) heat_kernel_trace = self._calculate_heat_kernel_trace(eigen_values) return heat_kernel_trace
[docs] def fit(self, graphs: List[nx.classes.graph.Graph]): """ Fitting a NetLSD model. Arg types: * **graphs** *(List of NetworkX graphs)* - The graphs to be embedded. """ self._set_seed() graphs = self._check_graphs(graphs) self._embedding = [self._calculate_netlsd(graph) for graph in graphs]
[docs] def get_embedding(self) -> np.array: r"""Getting the embedding of graphs. Return types: * **embedding** *(Numpy array)* - The embedding of graphs. """ return np.array(self._embedding)
[docs] def infer(self, graphs: List[nx.classes.graph.Graph]) -> np.array: """ Inferring the NetLSD embeddings. Arg types: * **graphs** *(List of NetworkX graphs)* - The graphs to be embedded. Return types: * **embedding** *(Numpy array)* - The embedding of graphs. """ self._set_seed() graphs = self._check_graphs(graphs) embedding = np.array([self._calculate_netlsd(graph) for graph in graphs]) return embedding